Sheen Patel

Civil Engineering Student at UofT


Hello! I am Sheen Patel, a third-year student at the University of Toronto pursuing a Bachelors’ in civil engineering. My interest in civil engineering started when I was young, with bridges and a love for rail and transportation systems. As I pursue my degree and gain experience in the field, I am appreciative of the interactions between the built environment and the public, which civil engineering greatly affects. In my career, I hope that I have the opportunity to work on projects that further the quality of life of those around me. As an ambitious and team-oriented student leader, I have developed project management skills, using industry standard tools like Microsoft Project and organizing kanban boards. As the now former captain of the Concrete Toboggan Design Team, I am also a strong communicator, having had to leads dozens of meetings and coordinate between teams, faculty, and run outreach events. On the more fun side, I’ve enjoyed leading a marching band as the Drum Major, as well as taking on smaller leadershop positions in the Skule community.

My main areas of interest are in concrete material research and geotechnical engineering. Apart from civil engineering, I also enjoy programming with C and Swift, as well as producing electronic music.

Want to learn more about me? Find my resume here.

April 2024

December 2023